Katrina Korn, Pharm.D.

Katrina Korn obtained her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana and is currently a Drug Information Fellow with the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) School of Pharmacy.
Katrina’s practice specialties include drug information, evidence-based medicine, and critical literature evaluation. Her career interests include drug information, medical writing, oncology, and pharmacogenetics. In addition to being an editor for RxWiki, Katrina precepts pharmacy students rotating through the UMKC School of Pharmacy Drug Information Center, guiding them in development of responses to drug information requests, and other projects involving formulary management.
After completion of her fellowship, Katrina hopes to continue in drug information and/or medical writing in some capacity to help patients gain access to the medications and medical information they need so that patients and their families may lead healthier lives.