Payne Family Pharmacy
We are a small, independent owned pharmacy/gift shop located in Floydada, TX! We carry a variety of items such as jewelry, greeting cards, perfumes & colognes, lotions, baby items, picture frames, collegiate items and much more! We offer free gift wrapping when you buy a gift from us! You can also bring in gifts and we will gift wrap them for you at a low price!
We now have the capability to text message your cell phone when your rx's are ready. Give us your cell phone number and we will set you up today with text alerts! Tired of calling your refills in each month? Let us know and we can put your rx's on our auto-fill program. We will fill your rx's as soon as they can be filled without you calling them in. We can also set it up to be mailed or delivered each month! We also offer free deliveries on Monday and Thursday.
We offer competitive prices and often will have your rx's ready in minutes. We honor most insurance carriers.
Phone Number: 806-983-5111
Address: 200 South Main, Floydada, TX 79235
Map: click here