Contributing Experts
Anna Giuliano, PhD
Dr. Giuliano is the recipient of several large grants from the NIH, the National Cancer Institute, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for research on HPV infection among women and men. She has a specific interest in the study of the natural history of HPV infection at multiple anatomic sites in men and women, and translating this knowledge to prevention interventions such as those promoting screening and vaccine-based cancer prevention strategies internationally. Other research interests include the study of HPV and its association with non-melanoma skin, and other viral associated cancers.She has published more than 180 original scientific manuscripts in peer- reviewed journals and has contributed significantly to the 1999 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report The Unequal Burden of Cancer and to the WHO IARC HPV Monograph published in 2007. She serves as a manuscript reviewer for several journals, including the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, International Journal of Cancer, Journal of Infectious Diseases, and JAMA. Dr. Giuliano is a consultant for several large NIH-funded cervical cancer prevention programs, and she serves as an advisory board member to several large international research consortia.