Contributing Experts
Ross Camidge, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Camidge is Associate Professor of Medical Oncology at the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine. His focus is in Developmental Therapeutics (Phase I studies) and Thoracic Malignancies.
He is dual-trained in both medical oncology and clinical pharmacology, with a Ph.D. in molecular biology. He is the Associate Clinical Director of the Thoracic Oncology Program and an Attending within the Developmental Therapeutics Program.
The Thoracic Oncology Program includes a multi-disciplinary thoracic tumor board, exceptional translational science collaborators, and thoracic medical oncology clinics staffed by four different Attendings.
The Developmental Therapeutics Program includes a dedicated pharmacodynamic laboratory, outstanding pharmacokinetic collaborators, and phase I clinical trials clinics staffed by seven different Attendings, each with both general and specific expertise.
The Developmental Therapeutics Program acquires access to a very broad range of new drugs and, in conjunction with the comprehensive Thoracic Oncology Program, provides outstanding opportunities to develop new drugs for treating patients with thoracic malignancies and many other cancers. Dr. Camidge is the principal investigator on numerous national and international therapeutic trials.
Dr. Camidge was educated at Cambridge University and Oxford University Medical School. He joined the University of Colorado Denver in 2005.