- Placidyl
- Plague, Inactivated, Whole Cell
- Plak Smacker
- Plan B One-Step
- Plaque HD
- Plaquenil
- Plaretase
- Plasma-lyte 148
- Plasma-Lyte 56
- Plasma-Lyte 56 in 5 % Dextrose
- Plasma-Lyte M in 5 % Dextrose
- Plasma-Lyte R
- Plasma-Lyte R in 5 % Dextrose
- Plasmalyte A
- plastic IUD
- plastic IUD with copper
- plastic IUD with progestogen
- Platinol
- Plavix
- Plazomicin
- Pleasure Balm
- Plecanatide
- Pleconaril
- Pledgaclin
- Plegridy
- Plenaxis
- Plendil
- Plenity
- Plenvu
- Pleo Alkala
- Plerixafor
- Pletal
- Plexion
- Pliaglis
- Plicamycin
- Pluratuss