- Ala Seb
- Ala-Cort
- Ala-Hist AC
- Ala-Hist DHC
- Ala-Hist DM
- Ala-Hist IR
- Ala-Hist PE
- Ala-Quin
- Ala-Scalp
- Ala-Tet

- Alacol
- Alacol DM
- Alagesic
- Alamag
- Alamag Plus
- Alanyl Glutamine
- Alaproclate
- Alavert

- Alavert D

- Alaway

- Alba Natural Acnedote
- Albalon
- Albatussin SR
- Albendazole

- Albenza

- Albiglutide

- Albiglutide

- Albinterferon Alfa-2b
- Albon
- Albumin
- Albumin Tannate
- Albumin Tannate, Combinations
- Albuterol

- Alcaftadine

- Alcaine
- Alcare
- Alclofenac
- Alclometasone
- Alcoh-Glove
- Alcoh-Wipe
- Alcortin
- Alcortin A
- Alcuronium
- Aldactazide

- Aldactone

- Aldara

- Aldesleukin

- Aldesulfone Sodium
- Aldex
- Aldex AN
- Aldex CT
- Aldex D
- Aldex DM
- Aldex GS
- Aldex GS DM
- Aldosterone
- Aldroxicon II
- Aldurazyme
- Alecensa

- Alectinib

- Alefacept

- Alemtuzumab

- Alenaze-D
- Alendronate

- Alendronate & Cholecalciferol

- Alendronic Acid And Alfacalcidol, Sequential
- Alendronic Acid, Calcium And Colecalciferol, Sequential
- Alenic Alka
- Aler-Dryl
- Alera
- Alert brand of caffeine
- Alesse
- Aleve

- Aleve-D
- Alfa1 Antitrypsin
- Alfacalcidol
- Alfaxalone
- Alfenta
- Alfentanil
- Alfuzosin

- Alfuzosin And Finasteride
- Algeldrate
- Alginic Acid
- Alginic Compound
- Alglucerase
- Alglucosidase Alfa

- Ali Flex
- Aliclen
- Alidrin
- Alimemazine
- Alimta

- Alinia

- Alipogene Tiparvovec
- Aliqopa
- Alirocumab

- Aliskiren

- Aliskiren & Amlodipine

- Aliskiren & Hydrochlorothiazide

- Aliskiren & Valsartan

- Aliskiren, Amlodipine And Hydrochlorothiazide

- Alitretinoin

- Alizapride
- Alka-Mints
- Alka-Seltzer

- Alka-Seltzer Cold and Sinus
- Alka-Seltzer Fruit Chews

- Alka-Seltzer Gold

- Alka-Seltzer Heartburn Plus Gas Relief Relief

- Alka-Seltzer Morning Relief
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Allergy
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold and Cough
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold and Cough Effervescent
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold and Sinus
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Liquigel
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Medicine
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Reformulated Oct 2009
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cough and Cold Liquigel
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cough and Cold Liquigel Reformulated Aug 2011
- Alka-Seltzer Plus D Multi-Symptom Sinus & Cold
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Day Cold
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Day Severe Cold, Cough And Flu

- Alka-Seltzer Plus Flu
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Flu Liquigels
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Flu Reformulated Jan 2011
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Mucus and Congestion
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Night Cold
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Night Cold and Flu
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Night Severe Cold, Cough and Flu
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Night Time
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Night Time Cold
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Night Time Cold Liquigel
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Night Time Effervescent
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Night Time Reformulated Dec 2006
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Severe Allergy
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Severe Cold, Mucus & Congestion
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Severe Sinus Congestion and Cough
- Alka-Seltzer PM
- Alkeran

- Alkets
- Alkindi Sprinkle
- Alkums
- All Clear
- All Day C CR
- AllanEnzyme
- Allanfil
- AllanfillEnzyme
- Allanhist
- Allanhist PDX
- Allanzyme
- Allay
- Allegra

- Allegra Cooling Relief Anti-Itch
- Allegra-D
- Allent
- Aller-Chlor
- Aller-Chlor Decongestant
- Aller-Tec
- Aller-Tec D
- Allercaine
- Allerclear
- Allercon
- AllerDur
- Allerest
- Allerest 12 Hour
- Allerest 12 Hour Nasal Spray
- Allerest Eye Drops
- Allerest Headache Strength
- Allerest No Drowsiness
- Allerest PE
- Allerest Sinus
- Allerfrim
- Allerfrin with Codeine
- Allergia-C
- Allerhist-1
- Allerhist-D
- Allerlief
- Allermax
- AllerNaze

- Alleroff
- Allersol
- Allersol-A
- AllerTan
- AlleRx
- AlleRx AM
- Allerx DF AM
- AlleRx PE AM
- AlleRx PE PM
- AlleRx PM
- AlleRx PM Reformulated Apr 2008
- Allerx Suspension
- Allerx-D
- Allfen
- Allfen C
- Allfen CD
- Allfen CDX
- Allfen CX
- Allfen DM
- Allfen Jr
- Allfen-DM
- Alli

- Allobarbital
- Allopurinol

- Allopurinol, Combinations
- Allres D
- Allres DS
- Allres Pd
- Allres-G
- Allylestrenol
- Allzital
- Almacone
- Almagate
- Almasilate
- Alminoprofen
- Almitrine
- Almora
- Almotriptan

- Alocril

- Alodox

- Aloe Cort
- Aloe Vesta

- Aloe Vesta Skin Conditioner
- Aloe-Dip
- Aloeguard
- Aloetouch
- Alogliptin

- Alogliptin & Metformin

- Alogliptin & Pioglitazone

- Aloglutamol
- Aloh-Gel
- Alomide
- Alophen Reformulated Jan 2008
- Aloprim

- Aloquin
- Alor 5/500
- Alora

- Alosetron

- Aloxi

- Aloxiprin
- Alpain
- Alpelisib
- Alpha E
- Alpha-caine
- Alphadine
- Alphagan

- Alphanate
- AlphaNine SD
- Alphaquin HP
- Alphatrex

- Alprazolam

- Alprenolol
- Alprolix

- Alprostadil

- Alsactide
- Alsuma

- Altabax
- Altacaine
- Altace

- Altafed
- Altalube
- Altamist
- Altaryl
- Altatapp
- Altavera

- Altazine
- Altenol
- Alteplase

- Alternagel
- Althea Root
- Altinac

- Altizide And Potassium-sparing Agents
- Altocor

- Altoprev

- Altorant
- Altreno

- Altretamine

- Alu-Cap
- Alu-Tab
- Alum
- Alumadrine
- Aluminium Acetoacetate
- Aluminium Acetotartrate
- Aluminium Chloride
- Aluminium Chlorohydrate
- Aluminium Clofibrate
- Aluminium Glycinate
- Aluminium Nicotinate
- Aluminium Oxide
- Aluminium Phosphate
- Aluminium Preparations
- Aluminum Hydroxide
- Alunbrig

- Alupent
- Alustra
- Aluvea
- Alverin Plus

- Alverine
- Alverine, Combinations
- Alvesco

- Alvimopan
- Alyacen